Lessons on the Resurrection
While the denarius coin bore the resemblance of Caesar, believers are to be the image bearers of Christ. We know that at the last trump we shall all be changed. Jesus challenges the Sadducee’s views of the resurrection. He brings to their attention the fact that God is the God of the Living and those who believe will never die.
The Heritage of The Nation
God sovereignly controls the destiny of nations. While it was intended by the founders of this country that America would be a Christian nation, the culture has shifted. God charges each of us to use our unique callings to take action and be the light and salt that draws others to His kingdom.
Jesus tells this last parable which implies what will happen to those who hate Him and kill His prophets. In this parable He speaks of the marriage of the King’s son and His armies that will come to destroy the wicked. All are invited to the wedding feast but those who will not receive His “garments” are rejected.