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Harvest Fellowship is an independent, casual church located on Wallen Road in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Harvest Fellowship
Saturday Evening:6:00pm
Sunday Mornings:9:00am and 11:00am
Join us for our Midweek Service as Pastor Craig Nickols shares with us a messaged titled "A Tale of Two Givers" from Acts 4:36-37 and...
What does God’s Grace do beyond saving us? Are we more than just forgiven? In Ephesians 2:4-7, Paul exhorts all believers to lay ho...
Join us for our midweek service as we hear from Pastor Tom DeSomer, who will be sharing a message titled "Grace Changes Everything," ...
The Governor and the King Pilot reveals his character in his willingness to torture Christ knowing that He was innocent. The Jews be...
A study in 1 Kings 10 from our Midweek Service at Harvest Fellowship with Pastor Paul Mowery.
Join us as we have Pastor Paul and Cory Nickols share about the work at Destiny Rescue and human trafficking.
A study in 1 Kings 9 from our Midweek Service at Harvest Fellowship with Pastor Paul Mowery.
Join us for a special message from Pastor Geoff Buck titled "A Cheerful Life." Pastor Geoff will be sharing through 1 Thessalonians 5...
Join us as we welcome Pastor Brian DeCook to share a message with us titled "How God Looks at You" from our midweek service at Harves...
Choices We seen that Pilot, the Jewish leadership and Judas have all compromised and place value on the wrong things. Judas has regr...
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